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Showing posts from June, 2021


Inspired from a True Love Story 😐 (For maintaining privacy no names cited anywhere in the write-up) “GO AND LOVE SOMEONE EXACTLY AS THEY ARE…!   …and then watch how quickly they transform into the greatest, truest version of themselves. When one feels seen and appreciated in their own essence, one is instantly empowered. Never enter into a romance, partnership or friendship with the intention to change somebody. This mindset only sets you up for a rocky road ahead…” Life has finally taught me and brought me on a conclusion that ‘You cannot make someone love you in the same way you love them’. Before you start loving someone and willing to be loved by them, you should love yourself, firstly. Discover yourself, be yourself and be proud of yourself of what exactly you are. First learn to celebrate your own individuality, your opinion, your thoughts, your expectations from yourself. Be clear what you want, give worth to your time, understand the worth of your precious time be...